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11 septembre 2008 4 11 /09 /septembre /2008 09:29
Texte extrait du site américain de ciné' IMDB PRO (ou imbd) :

22 August 2008 7:27 PM, PDT | From Aceshowbiz | See recent Aceshowbiz news

Apparently good at keeping the gossip guessing about the status of their relationship, Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling have been caught on camera having their public display of affection during a breakfast date in Toronto. Their reunion comes weeks after mounting rumors that they have rekindled their romance and thus officially confirms they're back on.

Rachel and Ryan were seen getting up close and personal, kissing and feeding each other during a breakfast near the actress' home in Toronto, Canada on Thursday, August 21. The pair were seen cuddling, holding hands and kissing before and after breakfast. Rachel even was seen enjoying her time sitting on Ryan's lap during the outing.

Neither Rachel nor Ryan has officially confirmed that they are back on. But an insider has been quoted by the press recently as saying, "They've been talking a lot. Their friends are quite pleased that they're getting back together ...



A quand le mariage et les babies ???
I'm waiting for that, really ***

As i asked Ryan in a letter i sent this year to his agent in Santa Monica, to consider my asking: he and Rachel accepting to become my son's Godfather and mother ***

Pas reçu encore l'accusé de réception (problème de notre bonne vieille POSTE ?), mais j'attends de pieds ferme, et

n'avais guère du tout manqué de lui dire que pour moi, comme beaucoup, Rachel était LA femme de sa vie ***

Qu'ils ne pourraient rester avec d'autres partenaires sans réaliser qu'à un moment aussi des soucis apparaitraient, et qu'il valait mieux les affronter avec une personne déja connue et réellement aimé, car
ainsi l'avait il qualifié: "l'un des plus grands amours de sa vie", je dirais même plus:

LE plus grand, le seul profond, et ETERNEL ***

Love u both for ever and ever ***

I love you sunny I love you sunny

flower flower

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